June 2006

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June 27, 2006

Last week, I stumbled across the Mason Dixon KAL and looked at all the dishrags and log cabin blankets and baby bibs and burpcloths and baby kimonos and so and and so on.  Now, when this book first came out, I read about it on several blogs, looked through it at Barnes and Noble and didn’t buy it.  I thought “Eh… I have enough books for now, maybe some other time.”  But I put it on the list of things that I thought I might want.  When I was poking around the blog for the KAL last week, I was REALLY jonesin for the book.  I wanted to make those simple things in that book.  I love a quick simple baby knit, and this book has ample opportunites for this!  So I now have a bib, that is BRIGHT orange, in either Sugar n Cream or Peaches n Cream, I can’t remember (they’re both the same as far as I’m concerned) and I’ve started a burp cloth in this LUSCIOUS cotton called Karabella.  I got it at a new yarn store called The Red Sweater.  *drool*  I LOVE this yarn.  It’s like knitting with butter as far as cotton knitting goes for me.  I also started a log cabin blanket for Jessica.  I opted to use Caron Simply Softin the brites colors for her, so that way she can wash it and it won’t get ruined.  Also, I can afford plenty of Caron Simply Soft 🙂  And Jess loves the colors, so it’s all good.  I know I vowed never to knit another blanket/afghan as long as I lived, but this one seems to actually be going ok.  The color switches every 9 rows, and you go around (asquare?) the square that you started with so it’s always “something new” so to speak, so I’m not bored out of my everloving mind while knitting it.  🙂  I’m looking forward to seeing what colors Niff will pick out for hers, as I have promised them each one. 

Matthew is getting H*U*G*E*!!!!!  He went in for his 2 month well child check yesterday.  Hubster took him in and gave me the down lo on the visit.  He is 13 pounds 4 ounces!  He is in the 90th percentil for his weight, 75th for his length, and 50th for his head.  I find it funny that my first baby was spot on with everything.  0-3 months age, 0-3 months clothes.  My second one was the extremem opposite of Matthew.  5th percentile for weight and height until just recently, now she’s in like the 25th.  I have a little bit of everything LOL.  I’m ok with the big baby now, no more boobing about it from me.  Especially after listening to a story of a girl in my church.  She had to have her baby emergently at 27-28 weeks because of very severe pre-eclampsia and her baby was just so tiny.  It made me VERY greatful that I was able to carry my baby full term and have a healthy thriving chunky monkey. 

We finally got hooked up with a realtor.  We’d been trying to get in touch with a lady that was highly recommended and for weeks she’d either be out of town or never call us back.  So much for that woman.  We are now, tonight, meeting up with a different friend’s recommendation.  I called him yesterday and a very short time later he phoned back but got my voice mail.  He left a message letting us know how happy he was that my friends recommended him and he hopes we decide to work with him and that his goal is to get us the most money in as little time as possible.  BRING. IT. ON.  So I set it up to meet with him tonight and hopefully he won’t say “You should just get out now and eat your losses…this place his hopeless” LOL

My last day at work here is Friday.  After that, I will officially be 1) very poor.  We’ve never been a 1 income family and I think it will be a HUGE adjustment.  Any advice is going to be graciously accepted. 2) A stay at home mom!  Can you believe it?  I get to stay at home with my kiddos!  I’m really looking forward to it.  I think the kids are too because they keep saying “When do you get to stay home?  Why do you always have to work?  When is work done?”  It’ll be interesting at first, after we move, to get things to fill my day so I don’t go crazy from boredom, since I won’t have any friends in Oregon, but I’ll manage.  I’m hoping to get involved with school for Jessica and find some other SAHM’s that I can arrange play dates and what not.  I’d also like to find some volunteer things too.  Any advice here is appreciated too 🙂

Well, I guess that’s about it on my update.  When I’m not working, I hope to be able to update and post pictures more often.  🙂

June 14, 2006

My new idea!

At a baby shower this past Saturday I saw this and got to thinking, I bet something like this could easily be knitted.  I really could have used this little thing at the very beginning of having a baby boy.  Not as much now because he doesn’t spray us as much anymore.  I bet anyone who’s had a baby boy would agree that this could be a handy thing!  What do you all think? 🙂

June 13, 2006

Back to work

Gooooood morning!

So, I had to come back to work last Wednesday.  That six weeks just went by toooooo quickly.  Blech.  But at least I have my beautiful kids to come home to every night 🙂 

Yesterday I got Matthew to giggle for the first time.  He’s been smiling a lot lately, but this was the first real giggle.  I loved it!  And it was for me, not daddy!  Even better 🙂  It made it really hard to leave him to come to work though 😦  But, only 3 more weeks and I’m done.  We’re still decluttering our house to get it looking nice so we can sell it.  I have so much stuff…where oh WHERE did it all come from?  WHERE I ASK YOU????  LOL

I’ve been knitting some socks from my DYE-O-RAMA yarn from Tisha who is also having a contest!  I have pictures of the yarn, just haven’t had a chance to upload them to my computer yet because of issues and unpacking and what not.  I’ll take a picture of the sock when I get  a little further into it too, so you can see the coolness that they are 🙂

Have a great day 🙂

June 03, 2006

How sad 😦

As I am reading the news this morning online I found this and my heart just broke.  Why is such a little one out walking about at 2:15 a.m.?  It makes me sad to know that things like this happen.  Did he just sneak out?  Figured out how to unlock the door and walked off on his own?  Are his parents home?  Are they doing things that make them not aware of what’s going on around them?  Lots of questions ramble through my head, but then I think, I can’t judge because I don’t know the story.  I’d like to judge of course, wouldn’t most of us?  But who knows.  Maybe it’s a perfectly respectable family and the little boy decided he wanted to take a walk.  On train tracks.  *sigh*

June 01, 2006

We’re finally home!

Well, we got home yesterday from our trip to Oregon.  We ended up staying three weeks!  We drove down through Kalamath Falls, California and Nevada to get home and with all the stops for a carsick kid (twice, poor thing), feeding the baby, changing the baby, feeding the baby, changing the baby and going potty and eating, it took us 24 hours!  We drove straight through, with hubster doing most of the driving.  I managed to stay awake the entire time thanks to two energy drinks called Full Throttle.  Wait.  I lied.  It wasn’t the entire time I stayed awake.  I slept for an hour.  Then hubster said “I’m tired, can you drive for a little bit?”  He let me have a little time to wake up, then I drove.  Wasn’t too bad 🙂  We left around 10:30 on Tuesday and got home the same time on Wednesday.  I got up around 9 a.m. on Tuesday and went to bed at midnight Wednesday night.  I was so tired I couldn’t even sleep!  Funny how our bodies do that to us.  Not to mention, I have not had much caffeine in my system since Matthew was born.  I decided to stop drinking soda, and have done relatively well.  I had a few sips of Ginger Ale while I was still in the hospital with the delivery, then a few sips of a diet coke on the drive home, for the caffeine.  Nasty tasting after not having it for so long.  I have now grown quite fond of Gatorade *drool*  The red one is my favorite!  My goal is to lose 26 pounds by the end of the summer.  I hope I can do it. 

When I first had Matt all I could think was “Wow, six weeks off to knit!!”  While I have had plenty of time to knit, I haven’t felt like it.  I have only done 2 pairs of baby socks and 1 sock for Jessie, with the other one only done up to right before the heel flap.  Hehehe. 

I got my package from my Dye-o-rama pal the other day!  I haven’t taken pictures yet because I haven’t had time with all the unpacking and decluttering we’re trying to do (we’re getting ready to make the big move to Oregon) so you don’t get to see the lovelies yet, but I’m hoping for tomorrow for the pics 🙂 

The girls and Matt and I went on a walk together tonight.  It’s been almost six weeks since Matt was born, and I thought I’d be fine, but it really wore me out.  I feel as though I just ran a half marathon.  Ok, actually I don’t know what it feels like to run a half marathon, since I never have.  But I imagine that I feel like I would if I had run one 🙂  And it was only about a 20 minute walk.  How pathetic is this 😦

I’m still trying to battle the PPD.  Some days are good, some days are bad.  Mostly they are good, thankfully, but we have our moments when a good cry is in order.  I appreciate all the comments everyone gave me when I posted about it.  And Chris, your email to me came when I really needed it, so thank you 🙂

Well, I’m off to settle down for the night.  Have a great day!

Published in: on June 1, 2006 at 5:51 am  Leave a Comment